Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Nabe for dinner on Dec. 4. Nabe is hot pot literally and also means hot pot dishes. We have various pots for each dishes. I used a clay pot tonight for Mizu-daki Nabe. Mizu-daki style is to cook veggies and meat (I had pork meatball) with Dashi(broth) and served with Ponzu sauce or Sesami Sauce. It is cooked on the portable stove at table. So you eat and cook at same time. I don't have the portable one, so I cooked at kitchen and brought the nabe pot to the table.
This is my clay pot!

Lots of veggies! :  (clockwise from top) garland chrysanthemum(Tong Ho?),  Nappa cabbage, Black Bean Tofu, Enoki Mushroom, Baby Bella Mushroom. It's not on the picture, but we had pork umeatballs. - This is the first time for me to try Black Bean Tofu. It was good, but I won't buy it again. Because it's a bit more expensive than the regular one. Just regular tofu is good enough for me.

Open the lid! Everything fit in the pot!

Sprinkle Sichimi pepper if you like.

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