Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pig Tail

My new hobby... take collagen from food!
I did a good job to make ox-tail soup last year, so I decided to try pig tail this time. It's so cheap! One package was less than $3. I know it's not popular at all here in the u.s.. Lucky me.
Anyway I post this to keep the recipe.
Pork Tails.

1. Rince the tails in water. Throw the tails in boiled water and cook for 10 mins. Dump the water and rince the tails in cold water.  Boil 2 cups of water and 1 can of  cheap beer with some slices of ginger and smashed garlics in the pressure cooker pot. Put the tails in the pot. Put the lid on. Cook with high heat. Once it starts getting pressured, turn the heat low and cook for 20 mins.

2. Turn the stove off and leave it until it gets cool enough.

3. Keep it in the fridge for a night. Take the fat part (it turns white on the surface) out from the pot.

Collagen :)

4. Take the meat out.

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